Monday, 7 November 2016

Questions About Those in the Spirit Realm

Blue sky and clouds

  Have you ever wondered about the spirit realm and those who live there? If so, you are not alone. For millenniums, people have speculated on that subject. Some believe that the spirit world is inhabited by ancestors who must be honored. Others envision a place of blissful tranquillity called heaven, populated by angels and good people who have died. Still others see the spirit world as a home for hundreds of millions of deities. Many people argue that we cannot know anything about the spirit realm because no eyewitness has come from there to tell us about it. That line of reasoning, however, is incorrect. Jesus Christ existed in heaven, in the spirit realm, before he came to the earth. He said so quite openly to the religious leaders in the first century: “I have come down from heaven to do, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me.” So Jesus was sharing firsthand information when he told his apostles: “In the house of my Father are many dwelling places.”—John 6:38; 14:2. Jesus’ Father, of course, is God, whose name is Jehovah, and Jehovah’s “house” is in the heavens. (Psalm 83:18) Thus, no one could describe the invisible world better than Jehovah God and Jesus Christ could. They have revealed much information about the spirit realm by means of spectacular visions that they gave to faithful ones. The following article discusses portions of the Bible that describe what men saw in a number of visions. As you consider these visions, remember that the spirit realm is not material, with things that we can touch or see. Thus, rather than choosing to explain matters to us in spiritual terms, which would be incomprehensible to us, God fashioned the visions to depict spiritual realities in terms that we can comprehend. The visions will help you to understand those who inhabit the spirit realm’s “many dwelling places.”
The Bible presents a number of fascinating visions that permit us to peer, as it were, into the invisible heavenly realm. We invite you to take a careful look at them. Although not everything described in the visions is to be taken literally, the visions can help you not only to visualize those who dwell in the spirit realm but also to understand how they can affect you.


“A throne was in its position in heaven, and someone was seated on the throne. And the One seated had the appearance of a jasper stone and a sardius stone, and all around the throne was a rainbow like an emerald in appearance.”Revelation 4:2, 3.
“There was a brilliance all around him like that of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day. That was how the surrounding brilliant light appeared. It was like the appearance of the glory of Jehovah.”Ezekiel 1:27, 28.
These visions, given to the apostle John and the prophet Ezekiel, depict the splendor of the Most High God, Jehovah, with things we can readily envision—dazzling gemstones, a rainbow, and the majesty of a throne. They tell us that Jehovah’s presence is one of awe-inspiring beauty, pleasantness, and serenity.
These depictions of God harmonize with the words of the psalmist who wrote: “Jehovah is great and most worthy of praise. He is more awe-inspiring than all other gods. All the gods of the peoples are worthless gods, but Jehovah is the one who made the heavens. In his presence are majesty and splendor; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.”Psalm 96:4-6.
Though Jehovah is the Supreme One, he invites us to approach him in prayer and assures us that he listens to us. (Psalm 65:2) God loves and cares for us so much that the apostle John could truthfully write: “God is love.”1 John 4:8.


“[The Christian disciple Stephen], being full of holy spirit, gazed into heaven and caught sight of God’s glory and of Jesus standing at God’s right hand, and he said: ‘Look! I see the heavens opened up and the Son of man standing at God’s right hand.’”Acts 7:55, 56.
Shortly before Stephen had this vision, Jesus was put to death at the instigation of the very ones whom Stephen was addressing—the Jewish leaders. The vision confirmed that Jesus was alive and  that he had been resurrected and honored. About this, the apostle Paul wrote: “[Jehovah] raised [Jesus] up from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above every government and authority and power and lordship and every name that is named, not only in this system of things but also in that to come.”Ephesians 1:20, 21.
In addition to describing his lofty position, the Scriptures show that Jesus, like Jehovah, cares deeply for humans. During his ministry on earth, Jesus healed the sick, cured the infirm, and raised the dead. By his sacrificial death, he demonstrated his deep love for God and for mankind. (Ephesians 2:4, 5) Standing at God’s right hand, Jesus will soon exercise his authority and bring great blessings to obedient humans everywhere.


“I [the prophet Daniel] kept watching until thrones were set in place and the Ancient of Days [Jehovah] sat down. . . . A thousand thousands kept ministering to him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.”Daniel 7:9, 10.
In this vision of heaven, Daniel saw not just one angel but multitudes. What an awe-inspiring vision that must have been! Angels are glorious spirit persons, intelligent and powerful. Their ranks include seraphs and cherubs. The Bible mentions angels more than 250 times.
Angels are not former humans who had lived on earth. God created angels long before man’s appearance. At the founding of the earth, the angels were on hand to observe and to shout in applause.Job 38:4-7.
One way faithful angels minister to God is by being involved in the most important work being done on earth today—the proclamation of the good news of God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 24:14) Their involvement in this work was revealed in a vision to the apostle John, who wrote: “I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.” (Revelation 14:6) Though angels do  not speak to people today as they did on occasion in times past, they do help guide those preaching the good news to honesthearted ones.


“War broke out in heaven: Michael [Jesus Christ] and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.”Revelation 12:7-9.
Heaven has not always been peaceful. At the very dawn of human history, one of the angels, consumed by a desire to be worshipped, rebelled against Jehovah, becoming Satan, meaning “Resister.” Other angels later joined in the rebellion and became known as demons. Thoroughly evil, they bitterly oppose Jehovah and have led most humans on a course contrary to Jehovah’s loving direction.
Satan and his demons are depraved and cruel. They are enemies of mankind and have contributed to much of the suffering on earth. For example, Satan killed the livestock and the servants of the faithful man Job. Next, he killed all ten of Job’s children by causing “a great wind” to crush the house they were in. After that, Satan struck Job with “painful boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.”Job 1:7-19; 2:7.
Soon, though, Satan will be done away with. Since being hurled to the vicinity of the earth, he knows that “he has a short period of time.” (Revelation 12:12) Satan is doomed, and that certainly is good news!


“You [Jesus] bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”Revelation 5:9, 10.
Just as Jesus was resurrected from earth to life in heaven, others will be too. Jesus said to his faithful apostles: “I am going my way to prepare a place for you. Also, . . . I will come again and will receive you home to myself, so that where I am you also may be.”John 14:2, 3.
Those who go to heaven go there for a purpose.  Along with Jesus, they will make up a Kingdom government that will eventually rule over the inhabitants of all the earth and bring blessings to them. This is the Kingdom that Jesus told his followers to pray for in the model prayer: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.”Matthew 6:9, 10.
Jesus with some who have been resurrected to heavenly life


“I [the apostle John] heard a loud voice from the throne say: ‘Look! The tent of God is with mankind, . . . and he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.’”Revelation 21:3, 4.
This prophetic vision points to the time when God’s Kingdom, made up of Jesus and those resurrected from the earth, will bring an end to Satan’s rule and make the earth a paradise. Things that have caused so much pain and sorrow to humankind will be no more. Even death will pass away.
What, though, of the billions who have died and will not be resurrected to heaven? At a future time, they will be restored to life with the prospect of living forever in that Paradise on earth.Luke 23:43.
These visions assure us that Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ, as well as the faithful angels and those who have been bought from the earth, all deeply care about us and seek our welfare. To learn more about what they will do, we invite you to contact Jehovah’s Witnesses or go to our website,, and download the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?

Monday, 31 October 2016

Protect Yourself From Disease

  Protect Yourself
From Disease

       MANY ancient cities were protected by massive walls. If an enemy breached just a small section of a wall, the safety of the entire city was at risk.
Your body is like a walled city. How you care for your defenses has much to do with how healthy you are. Consider five elements that can expose you to disease and how you can put up the best possible defenses.

   1 WATER

THE THREAT: Harmful organisms can “march” straight into your body by way of contaminated water.

YOUR DEFENSE: The best defense is to protect your water supply from contamination. If you know that your water supply is contaminated or suspect that it is, you can treat the water at home to make it safe. Store potable water in a closed vessel, and dispense it hygienically with a clean ladle or through a tap. Never put your hands into a clean water supply. If possible, you should try to live in a community that properly disposes of human waste so that it does not contaminate local water sources.
The World Health Organization recommends several methods to improve water quality at home, including chlorination, solar disinfection, filtration, and boiling.

  2 FOOD

THE THREAT:  Harmful organisms can be present in or on your food.

YOUR DEFENSE: Contaminated food may look fresh and nutritious.
So get into the habit of thoroughly washing all fruits and vegetables. Ensure that food utensils, kitchen surfaces, and your hands are clean when preparing or serving food. Some foods require cooking at a certain temperature in order to destroy dangerous microbes. Beware of food that is discolored or has an unpleasant odor or taste—signs that an army of microorganisms could be waiting for you. Refrigerate unused food as soon as possible.

     Avoid preparing food for others when you are sick. For further information on food safety, see the June 2012 issue of Awake! pages 3-9.


THE THREAT:  Some insects can infect you with the harmful
microorganisms that live inside them. 
Limit contact with disease-carrying insects by staying indoors when they are active or by wearing protective clothing, such as long sleeves and long trousers. Sleep under treated insect nets, and use personal insect repellent. Eliminate containers of stagnant water where mosquitoes could breed.

  For specific strategies against malaria, see the July 2015 issue of Awake! pages 14-15



THE THREAT: Microbes that live harmlessly inside an animal can threaten your health. If you are bitten or scratched by a pet or another animal or exposed to its feces, you could be at risk.
YOUR DEFENSE: Some people choose to keep their animals  outside the house to minimize contact with them. Wash your hands after touching a domestic animal, and avoid all contact with wild animals. If you are bitten or scratched, wash the wound thoroughly and seek a doctor’s advice.
    Injuries from venomous creatures usually require emergency medical attention.


THE THREAT: Some germs can invade your body by riding on tiny droplets in someone’s cough or sneeze. They can also spread through skin contact, such as hugging or shaking hands. Microorganisms from other people may lurk on such items as doorknobs, handrails, telephones, remote controls, or computer screens and keyboards.
YOUR DEFENSE: Do not share personal items, such as razors, toothbrushes, or towels. Avoid contact with body fluids from animals or from other people, including blood and products derived from blood. And do not underestimate the benefits of washing your hands thoroughly and frequently. It is perhaps the most effective way you can stop the spread of infection. If possible, stay home when you are sick. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you cough or sneeze into a tissue or your sleeve, but not into your hands. 

Wednesday, 19 October 2016




“Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, ‘eternal fire.’” (Catechism of the Catholic Church) Some religious leaders say that hell is a state of complete isolation and separation from God.

“The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.” (Ezekiel 18:4) The dead “are conscious of nothing at all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) If the soul dies and is unconscious, how could it suffer “eternal fire” or even the pain of everlasting separation from God?

In the Bible, the Hebrew and Greek words often translated “hell” actually refer to the common grave of mankind. For example, when Job suffered a painful illness, he prayed: “I wish you would hide me in my grave [“in hell,” Douay-Rheims Version].” (Job 14:13, Holy Bible—Easy-to-Read Version) Job wanted to rest, not in a place of torment or alienation from God, but in the grave.


Cruelty does not endear us to God; it repels us. “From infancy I was taught the doctrine of hellfire,” says Rocío, who lives in Mexico. “I was so terrified that I could not imagine that God had any good qualities. I thought that he was angry and intolerant.”

The Bible’s clear statements about God’s judgments and the condition of the dead changed the way Rocío viewed God. “I felt free—that a big emotional burden had been lifted off me,” she says. “I began to trust that God wants the best for us, that he loves us, and that I can love him. He is like a father who takes his children by the hand and wants the best for them.”—Isaiah 41:13.

Many have striven to be pious out of fear of hell fire, but God does not want you to serve him because you are terrified of him. Rather, Jesus said: “You must love Jehovah your God.” (Mark 12:29, 30) Moreover, when we realize that God does not act unjustly today, we can trust his future judgments too. Like Job’s friend Elihu, we can confidently say: “Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly.”—Job 34:10.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Ismarv Organisation And Technology: The Byssus Of The Marine Mussel

The Periodical Cicada’s Timing

     CICADAS, insects resembling locusts, live on all continents except Antarctica.
Unique to the northeast of America, however, are the periodical cicadas, which have long  fascinated biologists. Consider: Millions of periodical cicadas appear suddenly in the spring for just a few weeks. During their short time in the sun, they shed their juvenile skin, sing
deafeningly, fly, reproduce, and then die.
      Strangely, the next generation appears either 13 or 17 years later, depending on the species.What happens to these insects in the meantime? To answer, we need to understand the
periodical cicada’s unique life cycle. About a week after appearing, adult insects mate
and the females lay from 400 to 600 eggs inside tree twigs. Soon thereafter, the adults die.Within the next few weeks, the eggs hatch and the young nymphs drop to the earth, burrow into the soil, and begin a life underground, where they suck fluids from the roots of shrubs or trees for
several years. Either 13 or 17 years later, the new adult generation emerges to repeat
the cycle.
          According to an article in Nature magazine, the complex life cycle of these cicadas
“has confounded scientists for centuries. . . . Even now, entomologists are trying to understand how the insects’ peculiar life cycles evolved.” It is an unprecedented mystery in the animal kingdom.
What do you think? Could the periodical cicada’s timing be the product of evolution?
Or was it designed?

for more information on this topic you can contact us on

The Byssus Of The Marine Mussel


The Byssus Of The Marine Mussel   

     LIKE barnacles, marine mussels attach themselves to rocks, wood, or ship hulls. However, unlike barnacles,
which fasten themselves tightly to a surface, marine mussels dangle by a network of thin filaments called byssus threads.While this method increases the mussel’s flexibility for feeding and migration, the threads seem too flimsy to withstand the impact of ocean waves. How does the byssus allow the mussel to hang on and not be swept out to sea?
Consider: Byssus threads are stiff on one end, yet soft and stretchy on the other. Researchers have found that the precise ratio used by the mussel—80 percent stiff material to 20 percent soft—is critical for providing the strongest attachment.Hence, the byssus can handle the force of dramatic pulling and pushing by marine waters.

Professor Guy Genin calls the results of this research “stunning,” adding: “The magic of this organism lies in the structurally clever integration of this compliant region with the stiff region.” Scientists believe that the design of the byssus threads could have uses as diverse as attaching
equipment to buildings and underwater vessels, connecting tendons to bones, and sealing surgical incisions. “Nature is a bottomless treasure trove, as far as adhesion strategies go,” says J. Herbert Waite, a professor at the University of California in Santa Barbara, U.S.A.
What do you think? Did the byssus of the marine mussel come about by evolution?
Or was it designed? ˛
The Byssus of the Marine Mussel Anne